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, Creative ways to use box photo frames, Memory Box

Creative ways to use box photo frames

There are some great craft projects suitable for all ages or abilities, and designing novel gifts and wall art using box photo frames is high on that list.

Box photo frames are wonderfully versatile. They are available in a wide range of materials, styles and colours. Generally though, they are frames with a wider gap between the back and the front edge. They can be either glass fronted or entirely open.

Box photo frames can serve a wide range of purposes and support some very exciting projects. When used for photographs or picture montages, they add depth and dramatic effect. They can make one simple but special item look important and eye catching. However, they really come into their own for mounting items of various sizes, for a three-dimensional effect.

You can measure your frame to make sure that your item or items sit “flush” with the frame or just inside. Or, you can even have objects protruding outwards if it’s an open frame. You really can get “arty”, and do whatever you want.

As inspiration, here are just a few creative ways to use box photo frames.

Wall art for children’s rooms

There are many lovely framed prints and pictures around to make a child’s bedroom look sweet and fun. Including ones with coloured picture frames to match your chosen theme.

However, box photo frames give you lots of opportunities to create three-dimensional decorations for children’s bedrooms.

This could be the child’s name spelt out in tiles, buttons or calligraphy. This would then be surrounded by pictures and items that match their preferences or your interior design theme. You can even mount small figurines, toys or dollhouse furniture into the frame, for that extra special touch.

Instead of a name, you could make the central item your child’s favourite verse, song or a book extract too, or a personal message of love. Or, use the box photo frame to hold a casting of their feet and hands.

It creates a far more interesting finished result than standard two-dimensional wall art for children.

See on Pinterest some stunning ideas for “shadow photo frame” creations for children, especially babies.

Keepsake “keepers”

As box photo frames give you space – and a secure mount – for three-dimensional objects, they can become a mini treasure trove of special items.

For example, you could do a collage with fabric from baby clothes in the background, a central photograph of your child and small items such as a baby shoe, lock of hair or some other memento worked into the design.

Broken jewellery, postcards, ticket stubs and concert programmes are just a few more of the keepsakes you can capture and display. Or, with larger frames, you could mount a whole football shirt or christening gown for example.

Capturing a moment in time

Building on the above, one of the great ways to use a box photo frame is to create a montage of items from one special day.

This could be your wedding day. So, your three-dimensional frame could hold pressed flowers from the bouquet, confetti, reception favours, a central photo and messages from guests. Or, it could encapsulate the day your child was born, with a tiny foot and handprint, a photo of mum and infant, and other items to remind you of this momentous occasion. It could even be created to sum up the day you first met your partner, or when you moved into your first house.

Whatever you choose to add in, it gives you a “window” back to those lovely memories and emotions, captured forever.

Messages in a box

One of the great ways to use box photo frames is to create a special message, for a special person. It is the ultimate “greeting card” that can be mounted on a wall or displayed with pride on a mantelpiece or windowsill.

This could include a poem, birthday greeting or Mothers’ Day message for example, or simply your own heartfelt musings. If you are not proficient at calligraphy (posh writing) it is possible to download printed messages to put into your collage. Or, spell some of the words using items available from craft shops; such as buttons or tiles that look similar to letters from the Scrabble game.

Craft shops also sell all manner of items to use to decorate your box photo frame creation, including bows, stencils and decals (artistic stickers).

Looking for unusual gift ideas?

A lot of these craft ideas for box photo frames are ideas for unusual gifts too. They make really personal presents for the special people in your life.

Gift ideas for grandparents can be challenging, but creating a fun collage of items within a box photo frame can bring them great joy. It could include artwork done by a child or a montage of lovely photos.

Box photo frames can also inspire you to make great “Welcome to your New Home” gifts. Not least as they are universally appealing; and you can tailor them specifically to the tastes, lifestyle and experiences of the recipients.

Pinterest has collections of great ideas for gifts using box photo frames, including those on this link.

Outdoor wall art

Plastic box photo frames or well varnished wooden ones can be used for outdoor decorations too.

Why not mount shells, pine cones, leaves or dried flowers on to the back. Even small stones and pebbles can look great as three-dimensional outdoor wall art.

Storage space for small items

If you want to get really crafty with box photo frames, there are quick and easy ways to convert them into useful room tidies.

For example, space out a few firm tacks and this is a terrific way to hang your collection of dangling earrings, necklaces, or your selection of sunglasses.

Some even sturdier hooks inside a box photo frame could be an attractive key holder to place near your front or back door.

Or, you could section off a larger box photo frame with strong inserts, and create a mini shelf system. This could show off precious items such as figures, ornaments or even a display of tiny succulent plants.

If you want to be highly practical and efficient, you can section off a box photo frame to hold your electronic gadgets out of the way while they charge!

With all of these ideas, you get a finished result that has good looks “boxed off”.

, Creative ways to use box photo frames, Memory Box
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